Monday, May 20, 2013


"A common issue within our society is the belief that money solves most of our problems. Another big problem is the lack of financial guidance when being handed over a large amount of money."

 Couldn't have said it better myself. So too often I here about lottery winners blowing their instant fortunes faster than a check can bounce and really bugs me considering the track record of this kind of crap happening. Reading though this article, I find myself going from criticizing them to feeling sorry for them. Yeah, it's their own fault for not being responsible, but the things these people lose are just depressingly irreplaceable. You'd think the common man winning the lottery would be more responsible with their money, considering they normally didn't have much to work with, but clearly that isn't the case. At least not for the most part. With that kind of money, I see no shame in hiring a financial adviser. In that sort of situation, I wouldn't even change my lifestyle that drastically. I'd go about things the way I normally would and that extra cash would simply be for making things a bit more comfortable and for emergencies. Even still, if there's a risk of me losing everything for the lottery, I'd rather earn my fortune by myself.

Friday, May 17, 2013

Cliché Central

Best viewed with headphones.

If you've seen at least of these violent fanservice-fests from our buddies over in Japan, then you'll easily find the humor in this. When it comes to show openings, no matter how good and unique the show's animation, music, and characters are, there are simply too many inescapable clichés that most every opening sequence falls victim to. Given there are unique anime openings out there, but so very few. For me, no matter how overdone the animation is, the music really makes or breaks my opinion of it. As pretentious as it may seem, an interesting opening sequence could be the difference between a changed channel and a new viewer. With all this said, I found this video incredibly interesting, poking fun at the many staples to most anime shows these days. Not to mention the music is addictive as hell~

Also 1:50 is quite the head turner. :I